Our Erasmus activites

Walther-Lehmkuhl-Schule maintains worldwide cooperations, within the framework of which individual projects are supported with the respective partner countries. Our projects focus on the continuous development of all institutions involved and active partnership cooperation.

Walther-Lehmkuhl-Schule decided in 2011 to take part in the education and mobility projects of the European Union and the National Agency of the Federal Institute for Vocational Training (BIBB).

We have been running successful exchange programs with our partner schools for over ten years.


Our partners in Europe:

Metal, electrical, wood and construction professions

Zespól Szkól No. 9, Koszalin (Poland)

Zespół Szkół Mechaniczno – Elektrycznychin, Tarnów (Poland)

Mercantec, Viborg (Denmark)


Food technology professions

Vocational School 1 in Wels (Austria)


Construction technology professions (in preparation)

Tallinn School of Construction, Tallinn (Estonia)

Järvamaa Kutsehariduskeskus, Paide (Estonia)


With Erasmus+ at the WLS, we enable trainees to spend three weeks with valuable professional and cultural experiences in various schools and companies with our partners in Denmark, Estonia, Austria and Poland. Our partner schools and we are of course happy to help you find accommodation on site!